She tried and I cried😢

She started singing at the age of 4 and she enrolled in a music school so as to live her dream of a world class singer.

But disaster struck when she was 18.

She had connective tissue disorder that caused her nerves to deteriorate and she lost her two hearing.

She's totally deaf.

Dream shattered, hope lost!

She said, "Everything I've ever wanted was going away and I couldn't stop it."

10 years later, through the help of her father, she picked up her guitar to sing again.

How is she going to hear herself, her guitar and other accusted instruments by her band.

Almost impossible!

But she tried.

She said,  "After I lost my hearing, I gave up,  but I want to do something more with life, so I try."

She figured out that music is not about sound but about the feeling.

She learned how to feel the tempo of the beat through her bare foot from floor vibration.

And boom, she's now an international star.

One of her songs, Try has a million views on YouTube and another one with 1.4million views.

She said,  "I did what I thought I couldn't do,  because I showed up."

Her name is Mandy Harvey, a deaf American Jazz and Pop singer.

This story is very inspiring to me.

I asked myself, how many setbacks have I had in life that is threatening my life long dream that can be as devastating as losing my hearing?

Our problems are not the challenge we are going through but our laziness to  work hard to find a way to bypass them.

Some of them won't go away no matter how hard you try. They are your cross.

But you can either go through them, go above them, go under them or go beside them.

The most important thing is for you to make sure you get to your desired destination.

Mandy story reassured me again that nothing is impossible only if you will try.

One more thing I learned from Mandy, she had mastered how to use her brand story to win the heart of the audience.

Her story did the major work, while her music is an icing on the cake.

Have you learned the art of storytelling? It would improve the quality of your life and career.

Let me help you through our Partner with us in Nigeria(A forum for Self discovery/Wealth creation) - Tuesdays and Fridays, Lagos.

I'm leaving you with this line from her song, Try.

"There's no one for me to blame because I know the only thing standing in my way is me"

You're the only one standing on your way to your greatness.

No one else.

Have a great day.

If you like the story, please share.

(Story through America's Got Talent)
